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Sunday 3 October 2010

What i've learnt from Radio Jingles!

I've learnt what Logic Pro is, A Digital Audio Workstation (D.A.W)  which means it has multitrack charactoristics, it can record audio, edit audio and apply plug-ins. Other examples of D.A.W's are Sonar, Pro tools, Sound booth and Adobe audition.

I've learnt about different file formats, and which is best for doing what with. For example these are different types MP3,  AIFF, WAB, ACC, WAV and WMA are a few examples. MP3 is whats known as a LOSSY format because it compresses it which loses quality, a file like this is small therefor is excellent for uploading to the internet or sending. An AIFF on the other hand is a larger file format and is the opposite to a LOSSY, An AIFF is an interchangeable file format, this and WAV are both lostless which means they don't loose quality or compress.

I also learnt about inserts and how they allow plug in's to add effects and features for example, Pitch shifter is a plug in. You can add or remove a plug in at any time, and you can change it manually or let the computer change it for you automatically. I learn how to use automation, this fades in and out audio, i can also do this myself by using node's or choose effects that are pre-made and use them. This feautire has lots of benifits as you can tell the program what to do and when to do it, and it does it! I learnt what the snap setting was for and what settings there are :samples, smart and more and what they are best for when creating different things.
I learnt how to Bounce tracks and why you do it. Also what tracks and regions where. How using colours is helpful when aranging and organising your work. How to record audio from a recorder onto Logic Pro, how to correctly start a new project and how it's very important you save your work at the start. I learnt that a Digi Design Mbox was an audio outboard which routes sound in and out of the computer. I learnt how to change the preferences on Logic pro and System preferences on the dock, for my inputs and outputs and know when i need to change them. I've learnt how to download tracks legally from Youtube by using www.video2.net/mp3 this was really helpfull because i needed lots of different songs when creating my idents. Another thing i've learnt is what is needed when making an ident whether it's for a show promo, advert or station ident!

I also learnt a lot just from listening to other people's work in my group, It was interesting to see what people did and how there work was different to mine, it gave me idea's on how i could improve my work if i were to do it again. I also learnt a lot from listening to read rasio show Idents and show promo's It's interesting to see how they can be so different, depending who it's targeted at whether it's comical or not and what genre of music and type of person it's for.

I really enjoyed creating my jingles, i learnt a lot and had fun too! :)

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